Monday, January 10, 2011

Large Award given to Arizona's Morana Unified School District in 2008 for Bill Ayers designed Smaller Learning Communities Program

Since finding out about the school the Tucson Twinkie attended before he left prematurely, I did a little digging...

According to the US Department of Education, Arizona's Morana Unified School District received a $2,234,931 award in 2008. "This project will improve and strengthen the smaller learning communities programs at the district's two large high schools, Marana and Mountain View."
Isn't that about the same time Jared Lee Loughner quit highschool?
Just something to think about...  follow the money...

Corrective measure: Loughner quit school in 2006.. Not sure why such a successful school would be given an award of 2 Mil from the DOEd after failing the Tucson Twinkie...
The SLC program is authorized under Title V, Part D, Subpart 4 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA) (20 U.S.C. 7249), as amended by the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001.


Anonymous said...

sorry vang i didn't see the comments button on your blog so i posted on BCF

Van Grungy said...

yeah, I fixed the colour scheme...

Van Grungy said...

It's apparently a great school..

Super high graduation rate...

Not really a school that needed any extra help keeping kids from falling behind...

rasp said...

Love that Oh BaM! count down clock you got there Van G

Van Grungy said...

The Obapocalypse clock countdown termination is far more worrisome than the maya arbitrary calender termination...

At any point between now and the new President is sworn in, the Obapocalypse clock could stop due to suspension of liberties...

I think The Powers That Be have designated BHO as 'FDR 2.0'