Thursday, January 6, 2011

A wake up call...


9:05 PM on January 6, 2011
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The stakes are high. Christians and Muslims cannot afford an all-out inter-religious conflagration — aside from being an offence against God, the killing would be immense. Still, the question must be asked: Against the sword of Islam, does the path to peace require unsheathing a defensive sword, or at least raising a shield?

Raymond... You don't understand... Progressive means Baha'i... The decision has been made to inject muslims into every corner of the world to bring about the spiritual progression of humans on Gaia...

Those who believe in G-d; and his Son are marked for extinction...

According to the Government, Jesus is a muslim prophet... Christians are old and confusing... The past is less understandable...

islam is the foundation of Baha'i Progressive Faith... Christians who believe Jesus is God are obsolete...

Embrace the new reality.. Embrace the future of Faith...

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